A Revolutionary New Type of Product

from Weatherstem represents the inception of the Mesonet Management Platform. A mesonet is a network of weather stations deployed across a geographic domain.

With , you can create a virtual mesonet in minutes through the platform's mobile friendly user interface and analyze past, current, and forecast weather conditions with myriad user-friendly tools.

Physical hardware including cameras, sensors, and audible/visual alerts can then be attached to any of your mesonet's stations.

Welcome to
Click the 4 buttons above to explore
An Extraordinarily Useful Weather Dashboard for the Mobile Web
Create a Virtual Mesonet in Minutes
Prepare Your Assets
Create a Zip File
Upload to
Manage Your Mesonet
Watch this video and see how easy it is to create a virtual mesonet with
A New Era in Weather Alerts/Notifications Has Arrived: Introducing Guidance
Create Guidance
Attach Parameters
Device Templates
Attach to Mesonet
Welcome to the Next Generation of Weather Alerting/Notifications: The Guidance
Weather Affects Your Health in More Ways Than You Can Imagine!
Health & Lifestyle Forecasts
Aches & Pains
Hair Management
Golf Conditions
Will Help You Understand How Weather Affects Your Health
Connect Your House or Office to
Control Sirens/Strobes
Weather Remote Control
Atmospheric Mood Lamps
Bring the Power of Into Your Home or Office

is perfect for...

K-12 Schools
Grocery Stores
Office Buildings
Golf Courses
Police/Emergency Stations
Fire Stations
Home Owners Associations (HOAs)
Data Centers
Distribution Centers
Race Tracks